Whittle's Top Photos Of The Year From ISLANDS Magazine
No. 30 Arriving on a tall ship and exploring on a scooter gave an inside path into Iles des Saintes. _ From "Purest Cruises: Remote Caribbean" in the March 2012 issue._ | Jon Whittle
ByIslands StaffDec. 22, 2012
We ranked our 30 favorite photos by photographer Jon Whittle from the pages of ISLANDS magazine in 2012. You'll absolutely love No. 1. And for the first-time ever, you can join Jon on his next big assignment!
No. 29 The intimate scene aboard the Southern Cross Timer, an eight-day cruise through the islands of Greece. From "Purest Cruises: Total Culture" in the March 2012 issue. | Jon WhittleNo. 28 A special sighting on Hamilton Island at the remarkable qualia resort off Australia's Great Barrier Reef. From "Get Spoiled Down Under" in the December 2012 issue. | Jon WhittleNo. 27 This photo on Ikaria, one of the islands of Greece, is full of stories. Join Jon on assignment in the Dominican Republic and he'll tell you all about it. From "The Ageless Island" in the June 2012 issue. | Jon WhittleNo. 26 Jon shoots anything and everything, from scenic landscapes to cultural portraits to gorgeous food, like this succulent plate in New Zealand. Does he eat anything and everything? Ask him yourself.From "Eat New Zealand Raw" in the December 2012 issue of ISLANDS magazine. | Jon WhittleNo. 25 This is just a hint of Jon's Hawaii work. He did an epic trip to the Hawaiian Islands recently. We'll be rolling out his photos and stories throughout 2013. From "Big Island: Feel the Heat" in the December 2012 issue. | Jon WhittleNo. 24 Jon did a cruise to the "secret Caribbean" with Star Clippers and, of course, got some amazing shots. With this vertical photo gallery, we had to crop out the cannons that were aimed at the ship. (Sorry, Jon.) From "Purest Cruises: Remote Caribbean" in the March 2012 issue of ISLANDS magazine. | Jon WhittleNo. 23The ISLANDS On Assignment photo workshop that Jon and ISLANDS photo editor Lori Barbely are hosting retraces Jon's recent Dominican Republic trip. The difference when you go: no baseball. That trip was about how baseball is woven into the fabric of the DR. When you join Jon, it'll just be about how to take awesome photos. From "Going Deep" in the March 2012 issue of ISLANDS magazine. | Jon WhittleNo. 22 You can look at a map and know that the Falkland islands are close to nowhere. Or you can look at Jon's picture. From "What Does It Take to Live Here?" in the October 2012 issue of ISLANDS magazine. | Jon WhittleNo. 21 When Jon went to the Greek island of Ikaria to see why people there live so long, he came back with inspiring photos that made us feel young. This man is 200 years old — or so Jon says. Jon's digital photo book of Ikaria is the most popular one on the ISLANDS Wish List. From "The Ageless Island" from the June 2012 issue of ISLANDS magazine. | Jon WhittleNo. 20 Pity the travel photographer, who must hopscotch around the world, stay at luxurious beach resorts and, yes, sometimes endure the ultimate spa treatments. Even Jon was blown away by his stay at qualia resort on Australia's Hamilton Island. Now you can travel like him as he hosts the ISLANDS On Assignment photo tour. From "Get Spoiled Down Under" in the December 2012 issue of ISLANDS magazine. | Jon WhittleNo. 19 Is honey the secret to long life on Ikaria? Does Jon have a secret for taking close-up food photos? From "The Ageless Island" in the June 2012 issue. | Jon WhittleNo. 18 And what's Jon's secret to having motorcycles drive by at just the right time so he can frame them perfectly? From "The Ageless Island" in the June 2012 issue. | Jon WhittleNo. 17 Now THIS is what you'll be seeing with Jon on his ISLANDS On Assignment photo workshop. In fact, he'll take you to this exact perfect beach on the little seen north coast of the Dominican Republic. Lucky you. From "Going Deep" in the March 2012 issue. | Jon WhittleNo. 16 While on St. Barts in the Caribbean, Jon tried to answer the question, "Where is 'Le Hedge?'" Something else to ask him about when you're hanging out with him, watching the sunset. From "'Where is 'Le Hedge?'" in the November 2012 issue of ISLANDS magazine. | Jon WhittleNo. 15 "How British are the BVI?" was another question that Jon tackled photographically this past year. The answer: more British than Jon, less British than Prince Harry. From "How British are the BVI?" in the November 2012 issue of ISLANDS magazine. | Jon WhittleNo. 14 Shooting a beach — any beach — is much harder than it looks, especially if you've just traveled from your home in Florida to the other side of the world on Hamilton Island, Australia. From "Get Spoiled Down Under" in the December 2012 issue. | Jon WhittleNo. 13 The Bitter End Yacht Club is one of the best island escapes. It's accessible only by water and it's the gateway to adventures across the British Virgin Islands and beyond. From "The End is Here" in the December 2012 issue. | Jon WhittleNo. 12 Jon proved that the Falkland Islands weren't just a great place to shoot island scenery, they were perfect for a DSLR vs. point-and-shoot face-off with the ISLANDS editor-in-chief. From "What Does It Take to Live Here?" in the October 2012 issue. | Jon WhittleNo. 11 The entire ISLANDS team was incredibly jealous of Jon for his trip to New Zealand. Luckily, some of us are joining him for his ISLANDS On Assignment photo workshop. From "Eat New Zealand Raw" in the December 2012 issue. | Jon WhittleNo. 10 And we were jealous of him for qualia. We can't help you there, though. You'll have to book a stay at qualia on your own.From "Get Spoiled Down Under" in the December 2012 issue. | Jon WhittleNo. 9 Wouldn't you go anywhere this ship were to take you? See where Jon went on it in his "Sail the Secret Caribbean" photo book. From "Purest Cruises: Remote Caribbean" in the March 2012 issue. | Jon WhittleNo. 8 This is one of the most beautiful beach scenes Jon may have ever captured. And he had to go to Ofu in American Samoa to do it. That's the kind of photographer he is. From "Total Disconnect" in the February 2012 issue of ISLANDS magazine. | Jon Whittle**No. 7 ** See that boat there in the middle of Jon's photo, on the left? Yeah, he slept there. Read about his Great Barrier Reef adventure. From "Awake in Wonder" in the February 2012 issue. | Jon WhittleNo. 6 St. Barts is known as being a Caribbean playground for the rich and famous, yet Jon's keen eye always finds these surprising views of the islands you think you know. From "Where is 'Le Hedge?'" in the November 2012 issue of ISLANDS magazine. | Jon WhittleNo. 5 A few times this year, we featured spectacular sheep photos from Jon, including this shot from New Zealand. There are no sheep to speak of on the Dominican Republic trip. From "Eat New Zealand Raw" in the December 2012 issue. | Jon WhittleNo. 4 Sure, he's captured countless island sunsets in his years working for ISLANDS magazine, but Jon also made this sunset over Wellington, New Zealand, look otherworldly. Learn all his secrets so you can do this too.From "Eat New Zealand Raw" in the December 2012 issue. | Jon WhittleNo. 3 Jon's photo of a secret beach on the Greek island of Ikaria made the cover of ISLANDS magazine. And hard to believe, this was the Jon's first cover! We couldn't believe it ourselves, having run his work on the inside pages for so many years. From "The Ageless Island" in the June 2012 issue. | Jon WhittleNo. 2 One last shot of qualia. Can't help it. Who doesn't want to be there right now? From "Get Spoiled Down Under" in the December 2012 issue. | Jon WhittleNo. 1 Jon ended 2012 with a tremendous bang, nailing this photo from his epic trip through the South Pacific and the islands of Australia. We'll be showcasing more of those photos in 2013. But in the meantime, this photo graces the cover of the February 2013 issue of ISLANDS, out now. If you want to see even more of Jon's work — or better yet, meet him yourself and learn all his photo tips — join him on the ISLANDS On Assignment photo tour. | Jon Whittle