Best Home Security Systems In 2022
If you believe forewarned is forearmed, then you’ll want to check out our choices in home security systems.
While it's one thing to be able to see the person at your front door, what about that person at your sliding glass door? It's not enough anymore to set your burglar alarm when you head to sleep at night. Nearly 500,000 burglaries occur during the day, so invest in 24-hour protection with a quality home security system.

Everyone is at risk of having their home broken into and their belongings moved and removed. It's estimated that 75 percent of houses will be violated in the next 20 years. This home security system gives you a layer of protection with easy installation. Put the four included sensors (you can add up to 100 sensors) by your windows and doors and use WiFi or cellular to set up the system. Pick other options including professional monitoring, and connection to police, fire, and medical in an emergency. The eight-piece set includes two panic buttons – one is silent – and all pieces connect to Alexa and Google Assistant.

Even if your home has already been broken into or burglarized, installing a home security system is an excellent deterrent. Did you know over half of home invasions are repeated within six weeks? The three-strong 1080p video cameras cover a full 130 degrees and are wireless. In addition, the cameras let you see color during the day and at night. Simply connect to your Wi-Fi. When one of the HD cameras captures, the system immediately sends you an alert in the app. Use the app to listen and talk to the guest. Choose to call a neighbor, 911, or simply sound the alarm while using the free included advanced security trial subscription.

Keep an eagle eye on your business, office, and home with this high-level home security system. With crime on the rise and nearly two-thirds of home invasions committed by someone known to the family, having quality camera footage is an important part of home safety. This wired system features eight sturdy HD cameras with night vision and motion detection for accurate alerts. The professional quality cameras deliver black and white night vision to 100 feet and can see color up to 32 feet. Use the app and stream multiple camera recordings at once. Give the system commands from your smart devices including Chromecast, Echo Show, Echo Spot, Fire TV, and Google Assistant.

Not just night vision cameras, but this top-quality 2K resolution (HomeKit 1080p) gives great clarity during the day. Most daytime burglaries occur midday between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m., so install top-notch, weatherproof cameras to keep you and your family safe both day and night. A great feature is that the four video cameras identify human forms and only send an alert when a person is approaching your home – not cats, dogs, or deer. The long-lasting battery only needs to be replaced twice a year.

Nearly 75 percent of homes don't have any security system. When considering a home security system, why not head to the top. From the large, easy-to-operate 4.3-inch touchscreen to the urgent weather alerts, an all-in-one security system provides peace of mind. Perfect for vacation or seasonal homes, the high-tech Z-Wave system can monitor and adjust your home's vital systems remotely or on-site. Check on up to 40 controllers in your home. Two-way WiFi communication lets you talk with visitors. This system senses troubles in water valves in your home to protect from leaks and flooding, and also lets you adjust your indoor and outdoor lighting, giving you comprehensive home protection.
Cyndi Mathews is a contributing writer to Islands and recently published her first book and enjoys traveling to Florida in her sailboat. Islands is an award-winning brand founded in 1980 that speaks to international travelers who have an affinity for the Caribbean and beyond. The website showcases destinations, resorts, cruises, and recommendations by the Islands' staff.