Three Jackets That Should Be In Every Man's Travel Bag
The jacket is an amazing article of clothing that can dictate anyone's outfit. That's why it's so important to have options for any trip, as they can change your whole look to match whatever situation. So, whether you're looking to move in style on your next sightseeing tour or arriving to a semi-fancy reunion with friends, here are the jackets you should take with you on your next trip.

Most will agree that raining on vacations are among the worst, if not the worst, weather situations that can occur. You're not at home with your regular laundry machines, so you're stuck either using a local laundromat or simply air-drying your clothes like it's the late 1800s again. That's why it's important to bring with you a durable rain jacket that'll keep you warm and dry but one that's also comfortable.

Style is important, but, when you're traveling, utility is paramount, too. Bringing a jacket that'll help you carry anything extra, whether it's maps, change or even souvenirs, is always a nice convenience, especially when you're traveling solo.

A lot of times, packing a blazer doesn't seem feasible, with its propensity for getting wrinkled and the amount of space it can take up. There are, however, portable, easy-to-pack blazers that make worrying about travel blazers a thing of the past. So, bring style and comfort with you for your next, last-second get-together with friends when going to the dry-cleaner isn't an option.