Three Essential Items For The Sophisticated Male Traveler
Have class, everywhere you go, with the right accessories.
There are trips where you can leave the gate in sweats and nobody will notice. Yet that won't cut it when you need to be at the top of your game the minute the train pulls in or when the wheels hit the tarmac. For when you need to feel classy from the get-go, here's what you should have on you.

Bring an e-reader for your entertainment. Reading keeps you mentally sharp during a trip, by engaging your mind, but it also lets you step away from any concerns or worries and focus on something else, perfect for getting into the right mindset for when you arrive. The more storage the better, as well, especially on long trips where you may blow through a book or two just in your layover.

Keep your coffee just the right temperature with a heated travel mug. Leaving aside the necessity of caffeine during an early flight, travel mugs have gotten to the point where you can set your drink to the ideal temperature with an app and have a little bit of luxury with each sip as you head to your destination. That it looks cool in your hand when you step off your mode of transportation is just a bonus.

Leave the backpack for the casual trips and use a leather laptop case. The leather doesn't just give you the man-about-town look you're looking for, it's ideal for taking the bumps that any carry-on or work bag must endure as we travel. It also comes in more restrained colors and designs than some bags, although if you can rock the shocking yellow and look cool doing it, then do so with our admiration. The rest of us will have to stick with black and brown.