The Best Portable Grills For Backyard Cooking
There’s nothing like homecooked meals made right in the comfort of your own great outdoor space.
A warm day with clear skies and the sun high above almost demands you to get outside and start grilling. You can't do so without the proper setup, however. Here are the best portable grills for backyard cooking, when stomachs are growling and the backyard space doesn't already have a grill to use.

A portable grill needs to be able to get the job done, but it also needs to meet its requirement of being easily moveable. Find a grill that's sizeable enough for your needs but also lightweight enough to be transported.

Having wheels on anything makes for an easy time to move it. That's no different with portable grills that can easily be hauled from one spot to another.

For bigger projects on the grill, you might need a heavy-duty grill. Those aren't always easily portable, but there are a select few grills that can handle the load while also being easily packed away in the car.

Portable grills need to be sturdy. The last thing you want is for a grill that claims to be portable but fails to be strong enough to handle what you're throwing down on the fire.

Because you're taking your portable grill on a lot of trips to campsites or to your backyard, it's important to find one that'll stand the test of time. Resistance to the environment and the elements is key.