Classic Pens That Belong In Every Travel Bag
Whether it’s just to jot down some quick notes or you’re writing some in-flight poetry, this is an underrated, must-have item.
The utility of a pen is certainly understated. Sure, you could write down a note in your phone, but then it's likely to just get lost in the bevy of other notes and apps you have. A pen allows you to write down anything on a whim's notice, whether it's a love letter or a simple reminder.

A good pen can be the difference between beautiful handwriting and chicken scratch.

Good travel pens are ones that have good grip. When in a bumpy car ride or if your plane's experiencing turbulence, it's best to have a pen that you know you won't lose hold of.

Some pens writing ends have a certain angle while others are free of that and allow you to write at any angle. Find a pen that lets you use it at any angle so that less than ideal environments won't interfere with your ability to write.

When you're out and about, it's good to have a pen that can withstand the elements.

No matter where you go, you'll always have a pen with you, if it's attached to your keys.