The Best Air Mattresses For Vacation Rentals
Not enough beds where you’re staying? No problem.
Air mattresses are a great way to maximize the sleeping accommodations of your next vacation rental—whether you need added beds for extra adults, last-minute guests, children, or if you happen to be staying at a minimalist camping cabin with a bare-bones interior. And best of all, most models are extremely portable, comfortable, and can be set up in just minutes, so you can worry less about where everyone is going to be sleeping and focus on getting your vacation started.

You'll be off to dreamland in no time with an air mattress that inflates and deflates in minutes with the switch of a button. Edge-lock construction provides added stability while flocked sides ensure against punctures and abrasion.

For the ultimate in comfort, this air mattress boasts 40 internal air coils to ensure firmness and stability while a SureGrip bottom prevents slipping and sliding. Dual-chamber construction provides added height for the feel of a real bed so two adults can sleep comfortably.

Premium-grade materials in three durable layers and vertical beam construction help increase stretch-resistance and provides contoured support for all-night comfort. The dense polyester mesh core placed between two durable layers of PVC offers next-level back and shoulder support.

For an air mattress that feels just like a real bed, here's an option that comes with a removable, washable, quilted top and extra height that makes it easier to get in and out of. Reinforced construction and a dual-sealed valve prevent leaks for all-night firmness.

Because getting there can be half the battle, this car bed can be used in the backseat of your SUV on the way to your destination as well as when you arrive. Thick flocking and high-quality PVC provide for a comfortable sleep and reduced stress for you and your family on the go.