Copenhagen Has A Special Reward For Eco-Friendly Tourists
By Jennifer Anandanayagam
Anti-tourism sentiment is sweeping across Europe, and part of the call is for better-behaved visitors. Due to this, Copenhagen is rewarding tourists for being eco-friendly.
Eco-friendly tourists to Denmark’s capital can earn treats such as a free lunch, a glass of wine, a cup of coffee, a kayak rental, and free access to certain cultural experiences.
The initiative is called CopenPay and is set to run from July 15 to August 11 with hopes of an extension. The campaign is not driven by a desire to increase tourism.
According to CEO Mikkel Aarø Hansen, CopenPay is meant to empower "people to experience more of what Copenhagen offers while placing less burden on our planet."
24 Copenhagen attractions will offer free things to tourists who opt to pick up trash from the streets, travel by public transport or bike, volunteer in an urban garden, and more.
The CopenBay initiative is a laudable one, yet it has drawn mixed reviews. While some are enthusiastic, others have said it's unlikely they'd participate in the reward system.