Oahu Main
The Hub of Hawaii In the days when visitors to Hawaii arrived only by ocean liner, Oahu was Hawaii, a sleepy tropical paradise centered around Honolulu, Waikiki, and the timeless landmark of Diamond Head. Today, cosmopolitan Honolulu is the cultural hub of the Pacific, with world-class hotels and fine dining. You can take a leisurely drive around Oahu in a day, but getting to know the island takes time.

ISLANDS contributing editor Edward Readicker-Henderson recently explored Oahu to uncover the attraction of that most iconic of island instruments, the ukulele. In hearing the musical renaissance going on now, Edward truly discovered what the ukulele means to Hawaii. Read the full story.
To find out more about the island of Oahu, see special articles, maps, videos, photos and more from ISLANDS' most recent trips: The Real Oahu from the August 2009 issue Oahu Revealed from the March 2009 issue Road Trip Oahu from the March 2008 issue