Behind The Scenes Of Islands On Assignment Sail Windjammer October 2015

In October of 2015, 34 intrepid photographers joined staff photographer Jon Whittle and photo director Lori Barbely aboard the s/v Mandalay for photography lessons while sailing through St. Vincent and the Grenadines. Join us aboard the next Islands on Assignment, sailing in May 2016!

Special thanks to our sponsor Swarovski Optik

Captain Sly at the helm of the s/v Mandalay
Captain Sly at the helm of the s/v Mandalay | Lori Barbely
Guests can help hoist the sails or just sit back and enjoy the view.
Guests can help hoist the sails or just sit back and enjoy the view. | Lori Barbely
Anse la Roche
Anse la Roche | Lori Barbely
Islands on Assignment
The Tobago Cays | Lori Barbely
Toes in the sand and drink in hand, that's how we like to do it On Assignment!
Toes in the sand and drink in hand, that's how we like to do it On Assignment! | Banfe Studios
Leaping from the side of the ship for a swim is a highlight for many guests.
Leaping from the side of the ship for a swim is a highlight for many guests. | Lori Barbely
Islands on Assignment
Swimming off the side of the s/v Mandalay. | Susan Shaeffer
Islands on Assignment
Grenada has plenty of nooks to explore and photograph. | Banfe Studios
Islands on Assignment
Photographers learn how to shoot the ship at full sail from the tender. | Tiffany Mitchell
Islands on Assignment
The s/v Mandalay sails off into the sunset at the end of another great day. | Sandra Kinderknecht
Islands on Assignment
Photographers learn how to create portraits that capture the essence of a person. | Tiffany Mitchell
Islands on Assignment
Sandy Island off the coast of Carriacou | Lori Barbely
Islands on Assignment
You never know what you'll be photographing On Assignment! | Lori Barbely
Islands on Assignment
Beach bumming on Grenada. | Bill Walsh
Islands on Assignment
Making friends in the Tobago Cays | Lori Barbely
Islands on Assignment
The Tobago Cays | Lori Barbely
Islands on Assignment
As the sun sets on the final day, the group says farewell to crew and new friends and makes promise to return soon! | Islands on Assignment
Islands on Assignment
With the wind at her back as she heads to the next port. | Bill Tuccillo
