Check out the 14-day itinerary that skips the A-list stops in lieu of locales with indie cred: English Harbour, Antigua; Les Saintes, Guadaloupe; Willemstad, Curaçao; Cartagena, Colombia; and Isla de Coba, Panama. Book Now. | TMK
ByIslands StaffJan. 24, 2014
There's no easier way to travel the world. These ships are compact and allow for docking off less-traveled islands that the big ships don't approach. These aren't your oridinary cruise destinations — take a look.
Thanks to its tiny size — it's more yacht than cruise ship — Sea Dream I can access tiny ports that you'd otherwise need a sailboat to reach. This uber-luxe ship visits truly secluded spots like Culebrita, Saba and the Grenadines. And you'll never have to hoist a jib. Book Now.Some of Royal Caribbean's other ships are too big to fit all but the most heavily trafficked isles, but this gem easily slips into ports like Grenada, Martinique and Dominica; plus its home port of San Juan means you can easily tack on a few pre- or post-cruise days. Book Now.With a whopping 20 different destinations on its comprehensive Caribbean itineraries, Maasdam will take you to ports like St. Kitts, Martinique and rarely visited St. Vincent — sometimes on the same voyage — and it won't cost you premium-cruise prices. Book Now.