Kenan Dudley

Photo of Kenan Dudley
Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Appalachian State University
Surfing, Budget Travel, International Destinations
  • Kenan is an internationally published journalist, an intercontinental surf guide, and a dishwasher.
  • He is a slowmad practitioner, setting up shop in one area for six months or more to become involved with the local community.
  • Kenan's slow travel style has given him ample time to publish budget travel tips, natural guides, and hidden gem highlights of islands, beaches, and cities worldwide.


The day after Kenan finished college, he packed his bags and headed to the Island life, working as a journalist on the twin island nation St. Kitts and Nevis. The beach was calling, but there was no surf on Nevis, so he spent the next few years chasing surf around the world. His search led him from New Zealand to South America, where he picked up his pen again with a zealous purpose. Now, Kenan is laser-focused on covering sustainable tourism and encouraging people to find better ways to see the world.


Kenan graduated with a degree in public relations from Appalachian State University. He loves the Appalachian mountain region, which he credits as the first place to nourish his passion for the outdoors.

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Stories By Kenan Dudley