Katie Downey

Photo of Katie Downey
North Carolina
Family & Solo Travel, Travel Planning For The Adventure Enthusiast, Exploration Tips
  • As an explorer at heart and lover of nature, Katie has traveled throughout much of Central and South America during her expansive career in coffee.
  • So far, she has lived in 17 cities in 8 different states. As a lone woman seeking amazing life experiences, she has investigated every inch of each place in pursuit of breathtaking moments in nature and city adventures.
  • Whether writing engaging guides to travel destinations, speaking lovingly about outdoor adventures, or sharing a candid look into life as a solo traveler or one with child-friendly themes, her love of travel always shines through.


Katie has written for numerous sites and magazines over the last 20 years. She specializes in travel, nature, and animal-related topics, which she thoroughly enjoys researching. Her writing is straightforward and fact-based but always comes from a place of experience and heart.


Katie studied journalism, English literature, and philosophy while at college in Greensboro, NC. She was also a certified Cup of Excellence judge in the early 2000s.

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Stories By Katie Downey