Apply Now To Travel The World Free For Three Months is hiring for the best job on the planet.

Do you love writing, photography and travel? Then you could be selected for the best job on the planet, offered by They're looking for someone to stay in luxury vacation homes around the globe for three months and document the journey.

The ideal candidate is already versed in international travel, has excellent writing skills and will produce blogs, videos and social media posts. They also want someone who appreciates the finer things in life, a luxury connoisseur of sorts. A clear understanding of the hospitality industry is also a plus.

You'll also need to be at least 18 years old with a valid passport, with no fear of flying and no criminal record. Candidates can be located anywhere in the world but must be available to travel for three consecutive months, from late summer through late fall.

A few of the added perks (besides free travel and luxury digs): the position pays all travel expenses plus $10K per month (!), and a self-paying guest can join you at any time during your adventure. Pets are not allowed, though.

To apply, send a one-minute video explaining why you're the person for the job to by March 30, 2017. Applications without a video will not be accepted. For more info, check out Thirdhome's Facebook page.
