8 Private Islands For Sale Now

Want to purchase your own slice of personal paradise? The private islands for sale are waiting.

8 Private Islands for Sale: SauSau Island, Fiji
SauSau Island, Fiji Technically, you'd be leasing this 6.71-acre gem off the coast of Fiji's second-largest island, Vanua Levu — that is, unless you purchase along with a local resident, say, a Fijian business partner or spouse. What you get is a wild, undeveloped island with elevation. Any home you build gains a view, as well as protection from high waves. This site will look familiar to fans of the TV show Survivor, when it was dubbed Exile Island in season 14. Contestants enjoyed what you'll also treasure: a wide arc of beach with sand flats on one coast, and deep waters off the other. For sale through Vladi Private Islands. vladi-private-islands.de Asking price: $800,000 USD | Vladi Private Islands
8 Private Islands for Sale: Moho Caye, Belize
Moho Caye, Belize Until a buyer scoops up this gem, just 8 miles from the world's second-largest barrier reef, anyone is welcome. Visitors venture via kayak or skiff from the nearby town of Placencia to enjoy the white-sand beaches, which ring nearly 80 percent of the island. Most usually only stay for the day to picnic, although kayakers often spend the night camping, overseen by the island's caretaker. There's no need to call ahead to make a reservation — especially as there is no solar, generator or wind-turbine power yet to make that possible. Just drop in. belizeproperty.com Asking price: $4.25 million USD | Belize Property
8 Private Islands for Sale: Elizabeth Island, Australia
Elizabeth Island, Australia This 65-acre swath of land off Australia's southwest corner is available to rent, or purchase as a private residence or resort. In addition to easy access thanks to a 30-minute car ferry from Melbourne, the three-bedroom residence is turnkey: The washer and dryer, kitchen appliances and TV are set up already, powered by wind and sun and supported by a backup generator. Otherwise, aside from the jetty, the island is little more than a nature preserve with grassy fields, mud flats and a beach, ideal for bird-watching, fishing, exploring or lazing in hammocks strung along the home's porch, which overlooks nearby French Island. elizabethisland.com.au Asking price: $5 million USD | Elizabeth Island
8 Private Islands for Sale: Haapiti Rahi, French Polynesia
Haapiti Rahi, French Polynesia Nestled inside Bora Bora's lagoon, two-acre Haapiti Rahi is just minutes by boat from the bigger island's airport. Yet when you look from its western shore, you see only the blues of the South Pacific. Turn east to take in the beauty of Bora Bora and its two sheer spires, Mount Otemanu and Mount Pahia. On island, hibiscus gardens and palm trees surround the two homes. The two-bedroom main house encourages outdoor living with an open-air kitchen, ample decking and a thatch-roof dining area. Comfortable as the home is, it's the white-sand beach and shallow surf where you'll want to luxuriate, tasked with nothing more than studying the scenery. For sale through Vladi Private Islands. vladi-private-islands.de Asking price: $5.85 million USD | Vladi Private Islands
8 Private Islands for Sale: Saddleback Cay, Bahamas
Saddleback Cay, Bahamas Settle on Saddleback, one of the Exuma Cays, and count Johnny Depp, Nicolas Cage and Faith Hill as neighbors, all of whom may have chosen the Bahamas for its no-capital-gains-tax policy. This isle, a sprawling 47 acres, comes with a deepwater harbor on its Atlantic Ocean side, plus seven beaches leading to the Exumas' renowned pale turquoise waters. Reach it via a 30-minute flight from Miami, and, thanks to the location at the northern tip of Norman Cay, you'll have easy access to the latter's 5,000-foot airstrip. sirbahamas.com Asking price: $11.8 million USD | SIR Bahamas

Ballast Key, Florida

Leave it up to the buyer to decide which is the bigger brag: that the 26-acre island is the southernmost inhabited island in the United States, or that the property has hosted the likes of Truman Capote, Leonard Bernstein, Gloria Estefan and the Bee Gees. Reach it in 10 minutes by helicopter from Key West, or in 25 by motoring south by boat. On arrival, you will find what is perhaps the most luxurious conch house in existence, optimally positioned for sunrise and sunset views. As for how many guests can take part in your private-island fantasy, you'll have the main home's five bedrooms, plus three more in the guesthouse — the more the merrier. engelvoelkers.com


Asking price: $15.8 million USD

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