An Unexpected European Foodie Country Is One Of The Top Three Fast Food Consumers In The World

Any traveler can tell you that France is a nation of foodies. There is so much delicious food and distinctive culture around mealtime in France, it's easy to believe all the myths out there that French restaurants are expensive and offer long, drawn-out mealtimes to allow diners to savor and appreciate their food. While that may be the case in some higher-end eateries, you might be surprised to find out that even French locals have very similar tastes and habits to people in the United States — including when it comes to fast food. While some people might believe the French stereotype that very few people in the country would dare enter a McDonald's, recent data suggests otherwise. In fact, France has been rated the number three highest consumer of fast food in the world, coming after the U.S. and the U.K.

The report from Insider Monkey, which has data that is also echoed by World Population Review and Euromonitor International (via CNBC), shows that more than half of French people enjoy eating fast food. France saw 22.6 billion euros in quick-service restaurant sales in 2023, an increase of 11% from 2022 (via Statista). The phenomenon of the increasing French appetite for fast food, and its implications on the French diet and lifestyle, has also been reported frequently in previous years, including in 2013 and 2018. So, even if a lot of conventional travel advice may go against it — and there are plenty of highly rated food tours to take in Paris for those who aren't fans of fast food— McDonald's could be an unexpected restaurant to dine at while in Europe. The experience might just be different enough to warrant a visit, since big chains offer different menu items and product sizes to cater to the local tastes in different countries. After all, McDo, as it's referred to in France, sells baguettes, raclette burgers, and croque-monsieur.

Changing lifestyles and shortened lunchtime for workers may be to blame

There have been many different theories as to why fast food is gaining so much traction in France — although the United States still dominates the world in terms of fast food consumption. Even back in 2013, NPR partially blamed a lack of time for lunch for the typical French worker — which, on average used to be over an hour for most people just a few decades ago and has since shrunk to under half an hour for many. This factor might have contributed to many French citizens searching for quicker options in lieu of a leisurely meal at an independent restaurant. An increase in people wanting more delivery and online ordering options, especially in the wake of COVID-19 (which resulted in many restaurants having to close), may also be a contributing factor to the incredible growth.

McDonald's has been a fast food eatery in France since 1972, so naturally it still tops the list as the most popular fast food chain in the country. Other brands that are quickly gaining steam are Burger King, KFC, Subway, and Domino's Pizza. But even with the rise of familiar establishments, many travelers swear by eating only at local restaurants partially because the food is likely fresher but also to help support the local communities that are hosting you for your stay. Plus, it's a good way to experience the culture of the place you're visiting. Even though the country is clearly changing its mind about American fast food, tourists should always remember the unspoken rules about how to dine like a local in France.
