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Why An Unusual 'Flying Naked' Trend Is Setting The Internet Ablaze

There have been plenty of flying trends in recent years, like the "demure travel" flight trend brought to us by TikTok user Jools Lebron. They can be a lot of fun (and, in the case of demure travel, very pleasant for everyone else) and often have names that might sound silly, cute, or provocative. If you've heard about "raw dogging" a flight, for instance, you probably immediately had a rather racy idea in your head, despite the fact that it simply means traveling with no entertainment distractions. The latest craze is no different: Have you heard of "flying naked"? This internet flying trend doesn't mean you're going to get yourself kicked off the plane for violating some dress code, or that you're literally flying without your clothes on. It means that you're traveling without any luggage, or, at the very least, with only the bare essentials such as a purse, wallet, water bottle, and phone charger. TikTok user @jiovannisfares explained how they were flying "naked" to Paris with just the clothes on their back, a computer, and a few other basic items.


Come w/ me to Paris naked...well sort of. I will be brining NO clothes, except my airport outfit for 9 days in Paris/London, from clubbing fits to on-the go I will be styling and shopping for everything on a daily budget. Traveling "naked" in hopes will immerse me further in the Parisian culture while also stimulating their economy! I hope to make this a series in the future for my frequent international travels 🥰🌎 #travelnaked #traveltiktok #fashion #paris #london

♬ original sound – giovannisfares222

Redditor u/SlimSlayer19 also mentioned the trend, saying, "I've travelled for business trips of more than 7 days with nothing but a handbag with a few clothes in it and my laptop. It indeed is liberating and convenient." One reason for this trend is that many airlines now have baggage fees even for carry-on luggage, meaning the trick of packing for your vacation with just one carry-on may not help you save money if you, say, choose a basic-fare ticket or book an airline that charges everyone for a carry-on bag.

The issues with 'flying naked' and how to make it work for you

Trends can be a lot of fun to try. However, there are some issues that can arise when you fly without any baggage at all. While the idea seems great in theory, in the strictest sense, the flying naked trend would only work in certain situations. It would be fine, perhaps, if you're coming home for the weekend from college and already have clothes and toiletry items waiting for you. It could also work for a day trip to a nearby city or if you have the funds to buy what you need at your destination (although shopping for everything does take up time during your trip). 

Another Redditor who goes by u/Hagglepoise liked the idea but wasn't into actually trying it. They said, "Nope. I love watching videos about no-bag travel, but I like clean underwear too much to ever try it myself. Plus I'd much rather carry a small bag than try to jam things into pockets, as many of the no-baggers seem to do. It just looks unnecessarily uncomfortable to me compared to carrying my 18L backpack."

Instead of taking nothing, minimalist packing can give you the sense of flying naked while still allowing you to change your underwear and socks. You may be able to get away with packing a single change of clothing in your personal item rather than a full carry-on. Wear and pack neutral colors that all work together, and use the rolling method to fit them in a small backpack or purse. Then, you can simply purchase small toiletries at your destination or use what's provided by the hotel. Another option is to bring something like detergent sheets, such as Arm & Hammer Power Sheets on Amazon for under $20, and wash the outfit you're wearing each day.
