The Country With The Highest Amount Of Pickpocketing In All Of Europe

Before you head off to Europe for vacation, you may read or hear about the prevalence of pickpockets. It can happen anywhere, of course, but one European country is reportedly worse than the rest. In a study published in July, 2023, insurance comparison website analyzed reviews by British tourists for the top five tourist destinations in popular European countries. As it turns out, Italy had the highest number of pickpocketing reports. 


Specifically, the study looked at reviews of the Duomo di Milano in Milan and the Uffizi Gallery in Florence, as well as Rome's iconic Trevi Fountain, Colosseum, and Pantheon. While this study only tallied British tourist reviews, you may still be hesitant to travel — but don't let that stop you or keep you from seeing the incredible sights and meeting the wonderful locals in Italy's best cities. That said, there are a number of common schemes to look out for. A little knowledge goes a long way. 

Pickpocketing scenarios to be aware of in Italy

Italy is a popular tourist destination, so these attractions can be crowded. In a million British reviews of these Italian sites, the study conducted by found 478 mentions of pickpocketing. Contrast that with the second on the list: France, with 251 mentions. 


Slipping a hand in your bag isn't the only way pickpockets strike, however — and in Italy, the tactics are clever. According to a Reddit thread on r/Travel, a tourist who visited Florence in 2017 shared a common one they witnessed. "You know what the thieves do? They team up with a young beautiful girl walking the bridge frequently and she's wearing a thin white shirt and no bra. All them men turn and stare and get pickpocketed," the Redditor (u/ChanceSet6152) explained. Another Reddit user, u/TheMehilainen, shared their experience in Milan, writing, "Some teens acted like they were gonna rob my mom, so my attention was on her (we were in a train) but that was a distraction so they could rob me instead."


The official website of the Polizia di Stato — the Italian National Police — states that pickpocketers are usually riding mopeds, motorbikes, or cars. "There are an increasing number of bag snatchers acting with one or more accomplices in a car: they draw up alongside their victims and snatch bags out of their hands," the police warn. However, some also strike on foot, as noted in the examples above, so it's important to be vigilant of your surroundings. 

Ways to prevent being pickpocketed while in Italy

While it's important to know the types of schemes that pickpocketers may employ, knowing how to protect yourself and your belongings can also go a long way. "I always carry my bag crossbody, never leave it sitting on or hanging off a chair out of my line of sight, and I am just that little more observant if I'm in a crowded area," Rome-based travel journalist and author, Maria Pasquale, told The Washington Post. This tip is also shared via the National Italian Police website, which also mentions the importance of leaving essential travel documents, wallets, or valuable items out of said bags.


Expensive jewelry also attracts the attention of thieves, so if it's flashy, leave it at home. "Remember ajerk [on the jewelry] can cause serious physical injuries," notes the National Italian Police website. If you notice somebody lingering around you a bit too long, "be wary," the Italian police warn. And, of course, don't be afraid to approach local officials if you feel like you or your possessions are in danger. 
