What To Do If Your Airbnb Experience Is Not Up To Par

Airbnbs are often a better choice than hotels for a vacation. There is often more privacy in an Airbnb than a hotel room can offer, and you might find one in a residential neighborhood that is closer to what you want to see. Not to mention, there can be something comforting about being in a house or apartment rather than the usual hotel-type establishment.


Of course, staying in a privately-owned place means you can't just call the front desk if something is wrong and get it taken care of. There is a protocol that you have to follow if your Airbnb isn't up to par, which involves calling the host and letting them know the issue. If it's not fixed, you'll need to escalate to Airbnb customer service. 

There are certain situations, such as a simple dislike for the place, that aren't going to get you a refund, but other situations will. There can also be a change in accommodations that may fix things for you. So, what exactly do you do if you've checked all the details before booking your Airbnb and there is still an issue that needs to be resolved when you arrive? 


What to do about issues like cleanliness, broken items, and more

What happens if you get to your Airbnb and it's dirty? Perhaps the host didn't clean between guests as they were supposed to. The first thing to do is remember: Documentation can help resolve the issue quicker. Pull out your phone and take pictures and videos of everything. It's not a bad idea to do that when you first arrive anyway, in case there are any disputes about what you did versus a former guest. It's also a good idea to create a trip-specific photo album in your phone so you have everything at your fingertips. 


The first thing to do once you have the pictures and videos is to message the host directly through the app. On its website, Airbnb says there is a higher chance a host will give you a refund if you can agree on the amount beforehand. You can request things like a refund of the cleaning fee if you can live with the cleanliness issue. If there is a problem with things being broken, like a dishwasher or washing machine that are expected to be working, or a listed amenity like a hot tub that isn't there, you can request a refund from the host for this as well. Send any refund requests (with documentation) through the official site's Resolution Center. Take screenshots of any correspondence and keep them in that photo album as well. 


What to do when things are bad enough that you don't want to stay

If you're an Airbnb guest, the company covers certain things through their AirCover program, which you get automatically when you book. You may already know that if an Airbnb host cancels on you within 30 days of check-in, the company will rebook you in a comparable place with comparable pricing. If they can't, you'll get a refund. You can also get some money back if you're unable to enter the building, or if there is an inaccurate listing for the location, like the wrong number of rooms, for example. You must start the request for a refund within 72 hours of arriving. If you don't hear from the host or still have a dispute within that time, you can go to "Get Help" on the reservation page on the Airbnb website and be contacted by the company. 


Double-check the original listing to confirm what was promised (and take a screenshot) so you know exactly what is on there compared to your reality. Other reasons for complaint may include bugs or vermin — we're not talking about a single spider vacationing with you, but rather, a lot of them — or a person or pet that is on the premises that you weren't told about. When you speak to the company, have all your information, pictures, videos, and correspondence handy. Finally, if you just don't like a place, leave an honest review. 
