The Less Common Type Of Traveler Rick Steves Says Will Experience The Best Of Europe

What is your vacation routine like? Are you the type of traveler who loves staying up and learning about the nightlife or are you someone who relishes the early morning hours before the city has started its day? If the latter describes you, the incredibly helpful travel expert Rick Steves says on his website that you can experience the best of Europe this way. There is something so calming and profound about getting up while everyone else is still hugging their pillows and wandering out into the coolness of the morning. It's quiet, you can take some time to reflect on the differences between home and where you are, and watch the sun slowly peek over the horizon. As Steves says, "Some of my best travel experiences happen at dawn."


When visiting Europe, there are other benefits as well. In smaller villages, you might see life starting earlier than you do in major cities. As you walk along the docks of, say, a little fishing village in Greece, you might see people getting their boats out to sea, or an outdoor market setting up for the day. Animals are more likely to show themselves at dawn when humans aren't covering every available space. Plus, you have some time to take in the beauty and history of where you are before crowds of tourists begin their day. Here is why Steves says early morning risers will see the best of the continent. 

Early to bed, early to rise gets you some spectacular European views

While partying all night in a place like Ibiza is a draw for some, about 15% of people are early risers or "larks." Even if you're normally a night owl or just sleepy in the early morning, it's worth getting up at the crack of dawn. Before most tourists even have their coffee, you can get a real sense of the place you're in. Steves explains, "The easiest way to enjoy the mainstream sights without the commotion, selfie-sticks, and intensity of modern commerce is in the fringiest of hours — very early. Set your alarm and experience the best of Europe at its best."


Early rising is something Steves says he does himself, like the day he spent listening to roosters and watching boats in the harbor of Vernazza, Italy, or early mornings during Ramadan in Istanbul where he shared the last meal before sunrise when fasting began. It isn't just the pretty sunrise that you can see. You can also get some time at places that will be packed once everyone is awake. Take Rome's Trevi Fountain, for example, as this is a spot that Steves calls "one of Europe's big disappointments" because of the crowds — not to mention the strict rules tourists need to know before visiting this landmark. It's usually wall-to-wall people, but at dawn, this outdoor sculptural fountain is mostly clear. This is the time to get that perfect picture, when you're virtually alone with its astonishing beauty.


Ideas for early morning experiences in Europe

We have a few early morning ideas for you. If you are visiting Prague, go for an early morning walk or run in Letná Park, overlooking the bridges of the Vltava River, then wander down to Prague Castle. The complex opens at 6 a.m., three hours before its historical buildings do. You can meander around and marvel with few other people as the sun rises. Want to take an iconic shot of the Eiffel Tower in Paris? Watch the sunrise over it along with a very few other larks who have the same idea. 


If you are an ancient history lover, Athens, Greece, has the best museums in the country, according to Steves, but before they open, you can watch the sun make its ascent over the Acropolis. A reviewer on TripAdvisor recommends Philopappos Hill, less than .4 miles away, as the best spot to see this glorious sight. Another great place to see the sunrise is the Shetland Islands in the U.K. in the early spring or late fall, where the sun is above the horizon most of the day. Plus, it has lovely beaches to sit on while you observe. When visiting Venice, Italy, the early morning hours before the cruise ship passengers disembark is ideal for a peaceful ride in a vaporetto (water taxi) or seeing a quiet St. Mark's Square.

