According To A Michelin-Star Chef, This Unexpected Country Has The Tastiest McDonald's

McDonald's and gourmet food are not synonymous. Despite its status as an American icon, the eatery, especially in the States, is not particularly known for its delectability. However, the same can't be said about McDonald's in Europe, with travelers noting that tourists should dine at this chain restaurant. If you're looking for the European country with the best McDonald's, head to Wales, renowned for its beautiful British coastline. In a 2023 interview with Wales Online, chef Gareth Ward raved about the McDonald's located in the quaint town of Welshpool.


He said, "Welshpool McDonald's. I'm telling you now, Welshpool McDonald's is on a different level. It's just got different [elements] to everyone else. [It's] just absolutely smashing it." However, Ward is not just any chef. The Northeast England native leads Ynyshir, which has two Michelin stars and notably serves diners 30-course meals. In addition, Ward was named Chef of the Year by Good Food Guide in 2019 and one of the Best Chefs of 2022 by The Best Chef Awards.

So, what does an acclaimed culinary artist like Ward eat at the McDonald's in Welshpool? Speaking with Wales Online he revealed, "Last time I had a crispy chicken and it definitely had [something like] truffle mayonnaise on it. I don't think it did, but it tasted like it did. Everybody I speak to says this is, by far, the best MacDonald's in the world. Welshpool McDonald's that's what it's all about." However, not everyone agrees with Ward's sentiment.


Welshpool McDonald's takes the cake (but some customers disagree)

The McDonald's in Welshpool is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. If you're unfamiliar with Welshpool, this McDonald's is located just over an hour from Birmingham, England. As is typical for international McDonald's locations, you'll find menu items here that are not available in the States including Chicken Selects, chicken wraps, and veggie burgers. For Wales Online, editor Anna Lewis decided to dine at the eatery, too. Like chef Gareth Ward, she had a McCrispy chicken sandwich and noted that it was delicious.


However, despite Ward's praise for this particular location, Tripadvisor reviewers don't share his enthusiasm. In fact, the eatery only has a 1.5-star rating out of five. Reviewers say that the service is subpar, citing cold food, forgotten items, faulty self-serve kiosks, and filthiness. One individual wrote, "I've been eating McDonald's since the early '80s, back then the food was nice but it sure isn't now. Visited this place at least seven times since it opened, kept hoping that it would improve — it hasn't. The place is dirty and messy."

Another commented, "Food probably the worst out of every McDonald's I've been to which is saying something." That said, the UK has a food hygiene rating system for its restaurants, with zero being the lowest rating and five the highest. In 2023, the McDonald's in Welshpool received a one due to a fly outbreak, but in 2024, this number went up to three.


The Welshpool McDonald's has competition from these international locations

Without a doubt, McDonald's is one of the best places to eat on a shoestring budget while abroad. If a trip to Welshpool, Wales isn't on your bucket list, there are other McDonald's across the globe, specifically in Asia, that have risen to prominence for their mouthwatering offerings. In an article for Delish, food writer Mackenzie Filson proclaimed that the best McDonald's are in Japan. This is due to the distinctive menu items which include everything from a Teriyaki McBurger to Shaka-Chicki chicken. The latter is a piece of chicken that features a seasoning package; diners place the seasoning in a paper bag with the chicken and shake before eating.


In 2024, a study conducted by CouponBirds named Indonesia as having the best McDonald's in the world. CouponBirds states that data from Google reviews led them to give McDonald's in Jakarta, Indonesia's capital, a 4.5 out of five rating. The McDonald's in the Indonesian cities of Surabaya and Bandung both received a close 4.49 star rating.

According to Statista, there are only a few hundred McDonald's in Indonesia as of 2022. Unique menu items include Bubur Ayam (chicken porridge) and fried chicken served with white rice. Indonesia's top-tier ratings are followed closely by Pakistan, where diners can indulge in the McArabia, which can be likened to a very "McTasty" chicken pita sandwich.
