Travel Pro Pamela Holt's Clever Accessory Tip To Feel Safer Traveling Solo

Solo travel comes with unique safety guidelines, like wearing certain colors to avoid drawing attention to yourself. If a solitary excursion is in your near future, take notes from Pamela Holt, TV host of the "Me, Myself, and the World" travel show. Having visited over 80 countries on her own, Holt has a wealth of first-hand knowledge about smart solo travel. An unexpected experience taught the globetrotter a life-changing lesson about travel safety.


In 2009, Holt suddenly fell ill during a solo trip to the Galápagos Islands. She recalled the alarming incident to Business Insider, sharing, "All I remember is stepping off the boat. And they told me later that I looked at these cab drivers and just keeled over." As there weren't any hospitals in the area, a cab driver brought her to his home. Holt continued, "His wife cared for me for about five days. This woman had to put me in showers to keep my fever down, and I had no ID bracelet telling her any medical information."

If you're unconscious or unable to communicate, a medical ID bracelet will relay relevant personal information to emergency responders and healthcare providers. In a survey conducted by American Medical ID, results showed that over 95% of medical professionals check for a medical ID in emergencies.


What to disclose on your medical bracelet

Pamela Holt's eye-opening health scare taught her the importance of taking proper safety measures when traveling. As she told Business Insider, Holt bought a personalized bracelet disclosing vital medical details in case of an emergency. Holt's name and a medical symbol are etched on the front of the bracelet, while the interior lists her medical information and an emergency contact number. It's imperative to include The Star of Life, as the recognizable medical symbol cues personnel to scan the bracelet for more details (via Verywell Health).


What particulars should you include on your custom bracelet? With limited room, think carefully about the most necessary information to share for emergencies. Since medical details are individual, you may need to seek guidance from your healthcare provider. However, pertinent information generally includes chronic medical conditions, any prescribed medications you take, any medication allergies, and medical devices you wear. For the sake of conciseness, common medical conditions often have jewelry abbreviations.

How to optimize your medical bracelet

To optimize your medical ID bracelet, consider using newer technology to your advantage. If minimal space is a concern, look into alternatives that store health information using cloud technology. These bracelets contain a QR code, website, or phone number that prompts medical staff to obtain more health details. No matter what kind of bracelet you decide on, make sure that it contains thorough and up-to-date information.


Is style a concern? There's no need to be put off by the appearance of a medical bracelet. From leather to sterling silver, medical bracelets come in various styles. While the accessory's purpose is to ensure safety, Pamela Holt didn't compromise her sense of style with her Etsy copper band. "I found a bracelet I liked and customized it. It's fashionable," she told Business Insider.

So, in addition to packing these five items for your next solo adventure, you should seriously consider wearing a medical ID bracelet. You can never be too cautious when traveling on your own. Are you nervous about staying in a hotel alone? Try this simple trick that can help you feel safer. Solo travel is a magnificently enriching experience, but safety is everything.

