Jenna Busch

Photo of Jenna Busch
Los Angeles, CA
Syracuse University
History Behind Destinations, European Islands, Hiking
  • Jenna has visited five continents and dozens of countries (so far) and is thrilled to share what she's learned.
  • She is a history buff and loves to dig into the past of any place she writes about.
  • Jenna often gives traveling companions impromptu guided tours because she spends hours researching before she goes anywhere.


At age 10, Jenna was bitten by the travel bug on a trip to Washington, D.C., with her grandmother. She has been writing professionally for just under two decades now and has contributed chapters to 14 books. She's traveled the world for many years and always makes a beeline for whatever the oldest site in the area is. She's spent so much time on planes and in hotels that she ended up laminated her packing list.


Jenna graduated with an acting B.F.A. from Syracuse University.

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Stories By Jenna Busch