The Worst Place To Visit In All Of Ireland, According To Rick Steves

Have you been told you have the "gift of gab?" If you happen to be a compelling storyteller, you may also have heard that you've "kissed the Blarney Stone." This refers to a stone at the top of Blarney Castle in County Cork in southeastern Ireland. Legend says that, if you kiss it – by laying upside down, holding guardrails, and tipping your head back over a big drop (below) — you'll be granted the ability to find just the right thing to say, even if it's not entirely true. However, this tourist draw happens to be travel pro Rick Steves' least-favorite place in Ireland, according to his website.


He explains, "The best thing about this lame sight is watching a cranky man lower lemming-like tourists over the edge, belly up and head back, to kiss the stone while an automated camera snaps a photo — which will be available for purchase back at the parking lot." It isn't just the hordes of people Steves objects to. You may very well decide not to visit because of all those lips in one place. He says, "After a day of tour groups mindlessly climbing up here to perform this ritual, the stone is slathered with spit and lipstick." 

If that grosses you out, you may want to skip the Blarney Stone on your Ireland tour and visit Dingle, Steves' favorite town in Ireland instead, or the dramatically beautiful Cliffs of Moher. Ireland, one of the safest, most welcoming European countries, has plenty of other wonderful things to see and do. However, if you want to give it a shot anyway, it's a mere 15-minute drive from the city of Cork.


The Blarney Stone and Blarney Castle

There are several legends around the Blarney Stone, like one that says it is where the Biblical Jacob rested his head as he dreamed of a staircase to heaven. Another says Robert the Bruce of Scotland gifted it to a MacCarthy chieftain who sent troops to help Scotland fight King Edward II. It's even said to be part of the Stone of Scone where Scotland's kings were coronated. You can see why some brave souls want to experience this. If you're concerned about germs but still game, note that the castle uses a World Health Organization-approved cleanser after each kiss as of 2020. That said, there are around 40,000 smooches each year, which may make you think again. 


To get to the stone, you have to climb over 100 steps, and it might be a little claustrophobic for you. One reviewer said on TripAdvisor, "Be comfortable with tight, high, windy spaces if you want to kiss the stone. There's still plenty to enjoy here if that's not your cup of tea." As they said, there are other features at Blarney Castle. 

Even if you don't pucker up, you can tour the ruins of this 16th century spot. You'll also be able to wander the acres of parkland, and visit the gardens, including the fern garden, a water garden, and the poison garden that has plants that you're warned not to touch, smell, or eat. Tickets are around $24 for adults over 16, around $19 for students and seniors, $11 for kids 6-16, and free for kids. (Those under 8are allowed a kiss with the discretion of the person working there.) Parking is a bit over $2. Rick Steves may not be a fan, but it's a lovely place — maybe just skip the kiss. 

